Lisa Dozier - Photo Credit: Paul Frangipane
Lisa Dozier, has been a resource to grieving families for over two decades. A pillar of strength and a foundation to lean on when families are weak, experiencing all the emotions that go along with grief. Funeral home owner and director of Lisa S. Dozier Funeral Service, says it’s business as usual, despite the circumstance.
The Brooklyn funeral home owner’s job became even more challenging, with new national guidelines and city mandates from the result of COVID-19. Under the new mandates; funerals are limited to ten people or less, not allowing families to have a traditional funeral. However, Dozier at this difficult time is bridging the gap, offering live stream services not stationary to a funeral home, but available at churches as well. This alternative allows as many extended family and friends to join in remotely, and memorialize their loved one the right way!
Dozier, an innovative funeral director, has introduced to her line of services, live streaming. She says people are happy with the new alternative.
“The alternative for a live-streamed funeral allows extended family members to join the service and their families remotely. People have been very receptive, to this alternative option. Also, it’s not like I have created this law, it’s all over the news and has been a law made by the government; because people are seeing everything themselves on the news every day, they’re understanding and receptive. By all means, please know they are happy about the alternative but not happy they have to do it under these circumstances.”
The streaming service lets participants do more then watch the funeral service of a loved one, but also engage online, as physical attendees of a funeral is at a minimum.

Lisa S. Dozier Funeral Services on Atlantic Avenue - Photo: Paul Frangipane
The streaming service lets participants do more then watch the funeral service of a loved one, but also engage online, as physical attendees of a funeral is at a minimum.
Live streaming is definitely shorter. Not many people are in the room, a preacher is present to give words of encouragement and it’s a one-hour viewing, during a live streaming funeral. Live streaming is also still engaging than others may assume. During the last viewing, families are allowed to leave comments during the final viewing.
And as Dozier and her staff try to provide families closure, through a personalized funeral service, they too face great risks.
“Personally, my staff and I are exposed to individuals who have died due to COVID-19. We are at great risks every day, so we have simply been focusing on protecting ourselves daily. However, it has affected my business and the entire funeral industry tremendously because family members can’t properly grieve and are being robbed of the right to grieve.”
Dozier tells us she has one hope when the pandemic comes to a halt.
“I hope we all continue to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. I hope the world begins to view life differently and not take things for granted. My staff and I share the same passion and practice, the same universal preparation, which is knowing God Got Us!”
To learn more about the Lisa S. Dozier Funeral Home Inc. visit:
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